To all of our wonderful clients
For almost 10 years we have had the pleasure of being a small part of your lives. It has been a privilege to photography your graduations, weddings, new babies, engagements and families. We hope each of you know that seeing your families change and grow over almost a decade has been a joy and delight to us. We remember each of you and often speak of our clients to each other. You have no idea how many of our conversations are peppered with “remember that time...” and “I wonder how so and so are doing....”.
Thank you to each and every one of you. Every session was a unique challenge and we learned so much. Not only about photography, but about people and life.
As they say, life is constantly changing and we are embarking on a new change ourselves. One of us, to concentrate on her busy family life and one of us to head back to school for a new career. Somehow in all of this it seems like the proper time to say goodbye to Guelph Photography.
We will miss you all and wish each of you the very best. I’m sure we’ll bump into you somewhere in the future. This is Guelph after all and for all it’s growth, it’s a small community and we will always be a part of it.
Amy & Angie